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IPFS News Link • Politics

Here's How The DNC Just Screwed Over Bernie (And A Brief History Of


Most of us have heard the incredible results of the New Hampshire primary for both parties: Donald Trump won for the Republican party and Bernie Sanders won by a landslide for the Democratic party. What most of us hadn't heard was that despite this overwhelming victory for Bernie, he still came out of the primary with the same amount of delegates as Clinton.

How can this be? It's because of the way the "democratic" party has their delegates set up. For New Hampshire specifically, there are 24 delegates who vote according to the popular vote. Since Senator Sanders won 60.4% of the popular vote versus Clinton's 38%, Sanders was allotted 15 of these delegates while Clinton had 9. That's the fair part of the process.

The somewhat un-democratic part of the process (because, of course, democracies are governments ruled by the people) are the superdelegates. Superdelegates are delegates who don't have to answer to the popular vote: they vote however they want, they're insiders of the Democratic party, and yes, they can be swayed. Of the 8 superdelegates assigned to New Hampshire, Clinton has 6 that were already committed to her before the primary even started and Bernie has none. Since the remaining 2 are still undecided, Bernie still has 15 delegates total while Clinton also has 15 when you include the superdelegates.

How is this unfair? First of all, the fact that the superdelegates have so much voting power that does not factor in what the majority of the people want is unjust. Most of all, however, Clinton has been shoring up these superdelegates for months, using her husband (who is a superdelegate himself) and the DNC, the Democratic National Committee, to rally these delegates in her favor so she could effectively win the nomination.