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President Obama Wants $3 Billion To Help The Whole Country Cyber Better


Cybersecurity is a huge point of contention between the public and private sectors. Tech companies vie to stay unregulated in the services and level of encryption they provide to their customers, while the government seeks to mandate certain benchmarks they feel would keep the country's data safe.

Today President Obama is announcing a step forward in government's role in the nation's cybersecurity, requesting $3.1 billion to update the nation's "legacy IT that is difficult to secure and expensive to maintain," referring to the dated systems used in government computing.

The Obama administration is calling this the Cybersecurity National Action Plan, which would be more than a 30 percent increase in cybersecurity spending from 2015.

"By judiciously combining a strong password with additional factors, such as a fingerprint or a single use code delivered in a text message, Americans can make their accounts even more secure."

The plan is multifaceted, including a commission to set best practices for privacy and security concerns for the entire country, and a new federal position, the Chief Information Security Officer. Whether these best practices will be current by the time the commission is operational is another question that only time will tell.

The Cybersecurity National Action Plan also puts heavy emphasis on education.

"By judiciously combining a strong password with additional factors, such as a fingerprint or a single use code delivered in a text message, Americans can make their accounts even more secure," says a release from the White House.

Biometrics and two-factor authentication have been around for a while, but a large portion of the population still doesn't use them of their own accord. Google and Facebook have provided two-factor authentication on services since 2011, which add strength to Google's web services like Gmail as they're often used in enterprise situations.