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IPFS News Link • Transportation

Introducing the first truly affordable, daily utility, pure electric vehicle


Enter Arcimoto SRK

Skips the gas station? Check. Two passengers? Check. Room for groceries? Check. Full speed operation? Check. Full weather enclosure panels? Check. Plenty of range? Check. Thrilling electric ride? Rockstar parking? Advanced dual-motor platform technology? Delivery container option for fleets? Rightsized footprint? Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Affordable for everyone? Check!

Arcimoto was founded in 2007 to build products that catalyze the shift to a sustainable transportation system. Over the past 8 years, we've developed a revolutionary new vehicle platform designed around the needs of everyday drivers. Compared to the average car, we've dropped 3/4 of the weight and 2/3 of the footprint in order to bring the joy of affordable, ultra-efficient, pure electric driving to the masses.