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IPFS News Link • Propaganda

Washington Jingoism Gone Wild----


From Fabius Maximus website

Summary: Iran's arrest of US sailors in their waters provides opportunity for our hawks to wave a fake bloody shirt, hoping to make the US public fear and despise Iran. That this daft jingoism is considered acceptable, even routine, fare in our newspapers shows how much we've adopted Imperial thinking — and abandoned common sense.

Today's output from the war-monger industry:  "At the Pentagon, General Chaos is in Charge" by Ray Starmann at US Defense Watch ("News, Opinion and Analysis on US Defense issues and politics with a conservative viewpoint"), 26 January 2016 — Opening…

The surrender of two US Navy vessels of war and their crews to the Iranians without firing so much as a shot and the subsequent and sickening apology by the commanding officer, speaks volumes about the current fighting spirit, training and state of readiness of the US military in 2016.

The conduct of the US Navy officer in charge, Secretary of State John Kerry and Secretary of Defense Ash Carter was nothing less than a complete and utter disgrace. No doubt the order to surrender came from the Pentagon; and at the Pentagon, General Chaos is in charge.