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IPFS News Link • Food

7 Need-To-Know Facts About Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs)

• True Activist

You probably want to know what's actually in what you're eating, right? Of course you do. That's probably why you read the ingredients label. But even if you're making responsible choices, there still might be more to that meal than you realize. There's a movement that's trying to keep you in the dark about genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), not to mention a host of other nasties in your food. You'll want to stick around while I tell you seven things that you should really know aboutGMOs.

1. Money is Being Spent to Ensure You Stay Uninformed

Giant corporations like Dupont and Monsanto spent millions of dollars recently in Colorado and Oregon to thwart labeling campaigns that would list genetically-modified ingredients. [1] In Colorado, for example, these two giants outspent supporters of GMO labeling by 22-1. These labeling movements are all part of the 'Right to Know' campaigns, but apparently manufacturers don't feel Americans need to know what's in their food.

2. GMO Labels Wouldn't Cost Much

Those same labels these corporations are so afraid of would actually cost the taxpayer a tiny amount—about two dollars a year—but it's not really about spreading the cost to the consumer. [2] Corporations want to turn a profit, and if the product you've been buying for years suddenly proclaims that is has GMOs, you'll likely stop buying it. In an effort to stop the pro-GM labeling, TV ads even tried to tell voters that these labels would cost them between $400 and $800 dollars a year. An ECONorthwest report, however, proved that inflated figure wrong. [3]

3. Major Food Companies are Willfully Ignorant

General Mills was in the news recently when GMOs were taken out of Cheerios, so the next logical step should have been to take GMOs out of the entire cereal lineup. Well, that didn't happen for two main reasons: removing GMOs from Cheerios hasn't translated to higher sales, and the company still doesn't fully believe GMOs aren't safe. As almost every company shareholder voted against removing GMOs, I think it boils down to what the company thinks will make the most money. This focus on profit is seen in the policies of many of the food giants. Companies aren't going to ban GMOs when they're making money.

4. Not All Requests for GMO-Free are Being Ignored

Lately, there's been so many anti-GMO stances that some progressive and forward thinking companies are jumping on the non-GMO bandwagon. In the case of a vegetable that's a cross between a Brussels sprout and kale, a non-GMO label is arguable. Hybrid plants are created when you crossbreed two compatible plants; no DNA is genetically modified or enhanced, but some people might still consider a hybrid a GMO. [4] The bottom line is most companies want to make money, and the anti-GMO movement is a big moneymaker.

5. GMO-Free Can Be a Good Business Model

For large and small companies, profits matter. Consider, though, the power of the organic food market right now. Everyone wants organic, and farmers and ranchers are taking note. Usingorganic practices can add as much as $100 to a head of cattle, so from a market standpoint, the organic movement makes sense. [5] While most farmers and ranchers are driven by profits, we, as the consumers, are presented with more organic and non-GMO options.

6. "Natural" Doesn't Mean GMO-Free

Let's talk again about those labels on your food. Have you ever bought something that claimed it was 'natural' without it mentioning anything about GMOs? [6] Buyer beware! A recent study found that a lot of those products actually do contain GMOs. Consumer Reports tested over 80 different processed foods with corn or soy and found most of them had GMO ingredients. [7] [8] If you want to make sure you aren't getting genetically-modified corn or soy, look for non-GMO or organic labels.