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IPFS News Link • Outdoor Survival

Survive Anything by Always Carrying These 13 Pieces of Gear

• Wired

That's where a philosophy called Everyday Carry comes in. You should keep basic tools on hand at all times. This gear can help you deal with disasters or just the little twists and turns of normal life. The best part: It all fits seamlessly into whatever clothing you typically wear.

How I Ran From War: 70 Miles in 24 Hours—In Flip-Flops

We ran toward a river. On the way, we agreed on a route of villages we'd flee to in case we had to separate. Sure enough, rebels stopped us at the river's bank. I acted aggressive so that the rebels would think I was with them, then jumped into the water, grabbed a canoe for my mother and sister, and pushed it into the current. To survive, you need to read situations quickly and respond confidently. Battle broke out the following day. I hid in the bushes, then walked upstream for weeks. When I came across abandoned settlements, I searched houses for commodities. Salt was gold. You need seasoning when you're eating what you find in the bush: leaves, roots, fish, opossums. I took matches to cook with and tobacco to trade. Money was worthless.

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