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IPFS News Link • Future Predictions

Top 10 Trends For 2016


While the concerns are real, a future of gloom and doom often lies in the eyes of the beholder. There are opportunities in 2016 that, if seized, embraced and manifested with an eye on the future, and an open mind and a warm heart, one can reap great financial rewards, positive social change and personal satisfaction.

Yes, 2016 will be a tumultuous year with both trends foreboding and trends promising. Here is a brief outline of the Top 10 Trends for 2016.

THE LAST WORLD WAR: If trend lines drawn since 2001's War on Terror are not reversed, World War III will not only be a Top Trend of 2016 – it may be the last world war.

HUMAN WAVES: Throughout 2016 and for years to come, millions of refugees will flee war-torn nations looking for safety. Millions of migrants will leave economically depressed countries looking for work.