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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Mr. Trump Goes to Tel Aviv: The Donald Plans to Meet With Bibi 'Very Soon'


Trump made the statement on the eve of his meeting with the Republican Jewish Coalition, along with 13 other American presidential hopefuls, on Thursday.

The Coalition is backed financially by billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, a key Netanyahu supporter.

Trump unveiled his Israel travel plans at a presidential campaign rally in Manassas, Virginia, Newsweek reported, after being asked his opinion on the Jewish State. Trump called himself "very, very pro-Israel."

"I love Israel, and Israel is our real strong supporter. I'm going to Israel, and I'll be meeting with Bibi Netanyahu, who's a great guy," the presidential hopeful said, adding his dismay that the White House has been giving Bibi the cold shoulder of late.


