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Meet Jean Jullien, The Artist Behind The "Peace for Paris" Symbol

• Wired

The illustration is powerful in its simplicity: A peace symbol with the Eiffel tower, rendered in bold, black strokes against a white background. Though many attributed the emblem to the artist Banksy, French graphic designer Jean Jullien created the image, "Peace for Paris," and posted it on Twitter and Instagram at around midnight Paris time.

The world embraced it almost immediately. And now, not quite 24 hours later, people are printing it on T-shirts, on posters, and on flags, bearing it proudly in a global show of solidarity with the City of Light. It has become a way of saying, We are with you, France, and we are not afraid.

We caught up with Jullien via Skype on Saturday to ask him about the image, its creation, and its remarkable reception.

WIRED: You're from Paris but you're based in London. Where were you when you heard about the attacks?

Jean Jullien: I'm currently away, sort of weirdly, on holiday. But I'm very far away. I'd rather not divulge where, if that's OK.
