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Piers Morgan: ISIS Will Nuke America

• Prison

It has yet to be determined what brought down a Russian airliner over the Sinai last weekend, but a lack of evidence has not prevented former CNN host Piers Morgan from placing blame on ISIS and warning of cataclysmic consequences if Obama fails to attack the terror army.

"Another bunch of rabid Islamic fundamentalists has developed the capacity to commit mass murder in the skies, 14 years after Al Qaeda carried out the 9/11 attacks," Morgan writes for the Daily Mail.

"By blowing 244 civilians to pieces on a flight from a popular Egyptian tourist destination, ISIS is sending a very clear message that it can and will kill any of us, at any time and in as big a number as possible."

Morgan then criticizes Obama for not following the "swift, vicious, merciless and utterly resolute" example of Russian president Vladimir Putin.

"But what, exactly, is President Obama waiting for before he too gets serious about ISIS? A shopping mall being destroyed? Or a nuclear bomb wiping out an American city?"