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Now Saudi Arabia Has Bombed a Doctors Without Borders Hospital in Yemen


Twenty two people died, including 12 staffers and 10 patients (three of whom were children) — and injuring 37 other people. Twenty four staff are still missing.

Now news just broke that Saudi Arabia bombed another Doctors Without Borders hospital last night, this time in northern Yemen.

Luckily only two doctors were "lightly wounded" and no one died this time. Reportedly everyone had just enough time to run to safety before another missile hit the maternity ward.

Via Reuters:

"Our hospital in the Heedan district of Saada governorate was hit several times. Fortunately, the first hit damaged the operations theater while it was empty and the staff were busy with people in the emergency room. They just had time to run off as another missile hit the maternity ward," MSF country director Hassan Boucenine told Reuters by telephone from Yemen.
