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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

Finance Prof "Invests" In Cramer's "Buy Right Now" Portfolio, Loses $ On 72%


On April 6, just as the market was topping out, Jim Cramer wrote a column laying out what he called were "49 Stocks to Buy Right Now" which he qualified as "stocks that are clearly marked as winners no matter what, because they are domestic and because they do well precisely in this kind of environment."

He further rammed his picks down the throats of anyone gullible enough to actually listen to Cramer by saying that "every single one of these companies reported excellent last quarters, and with no exceptions their charts are pretty much perfectly made for this downturn.... You would not be able to get into these stocks without this selloff, and all of these companies are simply not going to skip a beat because of what came out on Friday."

One person decided to test just how "made perfectly for this downturn" Cramer's stock choices really were.

On April 6, a retired Professor of Finance in Southern Illinois, David England, unveiled the "Cramer Challenge" when he bought $1,000 of each security on Cramer's list (in a paper-trade account of course - because in this day and age, everyone "trades" virtually, plus who would actually risk real money listening to Cramer) at the close of the following day.

England further put his own money on the table with his Gentleman's Challenge. His offer was that after six months (October 7, 2015), if more of Cramer's stock picks were up than down, England would pay for Cramer to fly from New York to Marion IL, put him up in a local Holiday Inn, and treat him to dinner.  Cramer was to return the favor in New York, if more than half of his picks were down.

Cramer never responded to the wager offer.