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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

The 401(k) Crisis Is Getting Worse

• Bloomberg

Half of U.S. workers lack company-sponsored retirement plans

45% of businesses with fewer than 100 employees offer 401(k)s

Tim Egan has been working since he was 14. He's now 56 and has spent most of his career as a restaurant manager. He has virtually nothing saved for retirement and, until last month, never had a 401(k) account.

Little wonder: Only two of the 20 restaurants where Egan has worked in the past four decades had retirement-savings plans.

"The restaurant business is what I'm good at, but few owners, especially of small places, offer retirement benefits, no matter how much money you help them earn," says Egan, who worked his way up from dishwasher to waiter to bartender before rising to manager 20 years ago.

Egan's story isn't unusual among the legions of Americans who work part time, switch jobs frequently or earn their livings at small companies, which generated two-thirds of all new jobs last year. Even as people live longer and must save more for old age than prior generations, most can not depend on any help from employers. Almost half of U.S. workers didn't have a company-sponsored retirement plan in 2013, compared with 39 percent in 1999, according to an analysis of Census Bureau data by the Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis at the New School for Social Research in New York.

The lack of plans is fueling a retirement-savings crisis. Few workers save anything outside of employer-sponsored plans. Only 8 percent of taxpayers eligible to set aside money in an IRA or Roth IRA did so in 2010, according to the IRS.

Egan set up an IRA in his 40s. In a bid to make up for the years he hadn't saved, Egan invested mostly in equities and lost a lot of his savings during the financial crisis. He currently has less than $20,000.

Low-income Americans have long relied mostly on Social Security. Now middle-class professionals and managers are increasingly doing the same. But the average Social Security benefit -- $15,700 a year -- doesn't come close to replacing the earnings of those with mid-five and six-figure salaries.