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IPFS News Link • Police Brutality and Militarization

Cop Accidentally Shoots 4-Year-Old Girl: 'Mommy Am I Gonna Die?'

•, By Inside Edition

Her mother, Andrea Ellis, had cut her arm on some glass in her house near Columbus, Ohio, and her sister called 911 for help.

"She's bleeding all over the place!" her sister said in the call. "I need a paramedic!"

By coincidence, a cop on a routine call happened to be on the block. She called out to him for help.

"Sir, can you get me a paramedic?! I need a paramedic here!" she said.

But as the cop approached the house, events took a horrific turn. Cops said the family pet - a boxer-terrier mix named Patches, charged at the officer.

The cop fired his gun, and the bullet hit Andrea's four-year-old daughter, Ava, in the leg, shattering the bone.