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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

Food Riots Are Coming As Cost Soars: "50 Million Americans Are Dealing With Food Insecurity


Editor's Comment: Though it seem unimaginable, millions of Americans could starve, even right next to some of the wealthiest individuals in the world. In a nation of plenty, more and more face the possibility of being unable to purchase enough food from their earnings, and must turn to food banks and government assistance instead.

But even food banks are facing strain, as many find themselves overwhelmed by the demand, and unsure why things have gotten so bad. If a SHTF crisis were to hit, these people, and many millions more, would find themselves starving within a matter of days.

Food Riots Are Coming

by Dave Hodges

The best measure of the health of the world's economy is the Baltic Dry Index  (BDI). After reaching record lows in March of 2015, the BDI briefly rallied. However, that rally appears to have been no more than the traditional "dead man's bounce". Reports from October 15, 2015, indicate another downward spiraling plunge is underway, once again.