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IPFS News Link • Religion: Believers

I Have No Fear Of Economic Collapse


But it is true.  I have no fear of economic collapse, even though I am fully convinced that the hardest times that any of us have ever experienced are ahead.  I spend countless numbers of hours in front of my computer immersed in deeply disturbing information, and yet I sleep more soundly at night than I ever have before.  In fact, my wife and I seek to live in a constant state of "shalom", which is the Hebrew word for peace.  So how is this possible?  How can "the economic collapse guy" not be absolutely overwhelmed by fear, depression and paranoia?

Unlike so many that write about these things, I believe that preparation for what is ahead goes far beyond the physical.  So I am constantly stressing the need for mental, emotional and especially spiritual preparation.  Personally, I have absolutely no idea how atheists are going to make it through what is coming.  They don't understand why they are here, they don't understand why history is unfolding the way that it is, and they have absolutely no hope for the future beyond this life.  If you greatly fear death and you can't stand to lose the possessions that you have accumulated, the years ahead are going to be exceedingly difficult for you.

My relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ gives my life meaning and purpose.  He took the broken pieces of my life and turned them into a beautiful thing, and He can do the same for you.
