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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

The money race leaves some candidates behind


Given that the actual presidential election is still 69 weeks away, that's a pretty striking figure.

Of course, the money isn't divided evenly. I put together the above chart to show how the most competitive candidates are doing, omitting candidates who've raised below $3 million.

Note, the lighter colors – red for Republicans, blue for Democrats – show how much money the candidates have raised through their campaigns, while the darker colors show how much has been raised by the candidates' allied, outside groups.

For some, it's not a pretty picture. The race for votes is obviously paramount, but at this stage in the election cycle, the race for donors matters, too.

Some caveats are in order, just to help add some context to all of this:

* Some candidates, most notably Rand Paul, have not yet said what their super PACs have raised – the FEC deadline is July 31 – while other candidates, most notably Bernie Sanders, do not have super PACs or affiliated outside groups.

* The chart points to second-quarter fundraising, but Ted Cruz and Ben Carson announced earlier than most and both raised a little more in the first quarter.

* Marco Rubio has transferred $3.2 million from his Senate account, which is added to his overall totals.

* Scott Walker is expected to be a top-tier candidate, but he wasn't in the race in the second quarter, and he hasn't yet announced his super PAC tallies, so he is not included in the above image.