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Bill Clinton and George W. Bush's Plan for 2016


In an interview with TIME, the two former presidents reveal their views on the upcoming presidential campaign which could pit one's wife against another's brother. Plus, Bill Clinton defends his family's foundation, why Hillary Clinton never thought she'd be in politics and whether George W. Bush has designs on painting his predecessor's portrait

In a rare joint interview for this week's cover story, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton discuss how they will handle the 2016 race, one that could very well feature Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush competing against each other for the White House. One thing's for sure about the upcoming election: it will be fun to watch the two alpha dogs of American politics try to muzzle themselves and sit on their paws.

Here's a peak at how the two baby boomer presidents view the world today and the upcoming campaign.


George W. Bush and Bill Clinton's plans for 2016
"I think most of my role will be giving advice if I'm asked for it," Clinton told TIME about his position in wife Hillary Clinton's campaign. "And I try not to even offer it at home unless I'm asked. But she's been pretty good about asking every now and then."

"Look, this is highly complicated," Clinton says of the the political environment. "People don't like negative divisive environments. But they frequently reward them in elections."

"It's great that you can get 100 media outlets," Clinton said, "but you have to devour each other and it puts even more pressure on people like you to turn us all into two-dimensional cartoons."

"I can't tell you who is going to win, but I can tell you what's going to happen," Bush says. "There's kind of a general pattern. And there will be flash in the pans, there will be this crisis, there will be the funding thing. There will be all these things that happen, but eventually the person who can best lead their party will be nominated."