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IPFS News Link • Energy

Palestinian man overcomes Gaza energy cuts with affordable DIY solar ovens


A Palestinian man living in Gaza is helping his community overcome chronic energy shortages with affordable DIY solar ovens. Life in the Gaza Strip is challenging, to say the least. The day-to-day Gazan experience is riddled with fuel and food shortages, unreliable electricity, and a rapidly growing population that stretches the limits of already degraded infrastructure. The everyday struggles are compounded by periodic episodes of warfare, such as last year's month-long conflict with Israel which left 2,310 Gazans dead, at least 65 percent of whom were civilians. Despite the rough conditions, Gaza has no shortage of human resilience or sunlight. Case in point? Khaled Bashir, of Deir al Balah in the Gaza Strip, has constructed a solar oven to take advantage of natural resources not even Israel can hijack.

