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IPFS News Link • States' Rights

You have all heard the 'sentimental serfdom' this week!


It was expressed just this week on a syndicated radio show, from a caller who expressed frustration with the historical Confederate battle flag 'problem'. It became such a problem for Lindsey Graham, in another of his lame attempts to set up Rand Paul, that he nearly shed tears while rolling his eyes… again. Of course it didn't work! Paul just went and spoiled it by bringing up that nasty state's rights thing again! The very issue which infuriates the haters of the confederate battle flag.

But I digress.

The caller on the Savage Nation show, went on to say he had decided that the flag should go, that 'we ALL should get together, we should ALL come together!' As if to say this was the peaceful way, the loving way for America!

Hogwash! That is exactly what the UN, the FED, the bankers, globalists one and all, have been pushing for centuries! The dream of tyrants the world over, time immemorial!

The best freedom, the beauty of liberty, and peace of private property, is found solely in the uniqueness of humankind as individuals, given natural rights by their creator, and most definitely, not by their peers!
