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Dark Web Spam Is Stealing People's Bitcoins


Where there are bitcoins, there are scammers. Some users on the dark web drugs and weapons marketplace Agora are being directed to a site which deploys malicious code designed to empty their accounts of the digital currency.

"Got a message from user brandos on Agora about a new market," one Reddit user wrote yesterday. "It doesn't say the name or anything but the guy says he's an old seller and started his own market."

The message then provides a link for users to visit this alleged new marketplace, which promises "24h technical support" and cheaper prices for products.

But not everything is as it seems. "Immediately after I clicked to open the page, tons of Agora tabs opened up," the Reddit user continued, explaining that these pages tried to transfer bitcoin funds from their Agora account.

Motherboard has verified the process by setting up a test account on Agora and deliberately visiting the malicious site.

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