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Virginia Teen Accused Of Showing ISIS Members How To Use Bitcoin


The trend of Bitcoin and ISIS being related in the same story continues as Ali Shukri Amin, a high school student from Virginia, pleaded guilty Thursday for, among other things, teaching ISIS supporters how to use the popular crypto-currency Bitcoin.

Ali Shukri Amin of Alexandria, Virginia, pleaded guilty Thursday in federal court to providing material support to ISIS. He faces up to 15 years in prison and is scheduled to be sentenced August 28.

Accused of helping 18-year-old Reza Niknejad, who US officials believe to have joined ISIS, the 17-year-old Amin was accused of relaying messages among ISIS contacts.


He responded "guilty sir" when asked to plea, and "no sir" when asked if he was in anyway innocent. Amin admitted to using the twitter handle @Amreekiwitness in order to "provide advice and encouragement to ISIL and its supporters," the Department of Justice stated in a press release. As CNN writes, Amin also "taught followers how to use bitcoin to covertly send funds to the terror group."
