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First-Ever iPhone App for Trading Every 'Major' Digital Currency Released

• Cointelegraph

Quoted in a press release about the app, which ShapeShift says is the first to allow trading of all "major" digital currencies including Monero and Counterparty, Voorhees today stated that security and data protection had already departed from current norms.

"Most exchanges hold customer funds and extract personal information, which is an archaic and insecure model," he said. "Mt. Gox was a teachable moment for everyone in the Bitcoin community and ShapeShift has innovated these problems out of the picture."

ShapeShift CEO Erik Voorhees

Since the service does not involve or handle any fiat currency, ShapeShift currently employs a method of compliant trading, which does not involve personal information being stored on its servers. For its iOS app, sensitive data is likewise not stored anywhere on the user's device, which Voorhees says avoids the risk of compromise resulting from loss, theft or damage.