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IPFS News Link • MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

Is This Story Being Buried?

• Twitter

Even Matt Drudge has this as a 'minor top story' eighth in line, but at least he's covering it.

So, is this a 'hands-off' situation for the Networks, or has it just not hit yet?  It only happened last night and it supposedly happened regarding "an ongoing neighbor dispute over parking" according to CNN (the root article ) but there seems to be a furor on Social Networking that if it were a Muslim killing three American students MSM would be all over it screaming the 'T' word.

How hot will it blaze on Twitter before Lamestream is forced to at least publicly comment on it?  We'll see, but over 200 Tweets have gone out just in the writing of this article...


Still out here - just busy.
