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IPFS News Link • Israel

Netanyahu's Speech and the Politics of Iran Policy


Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu's acceptance of an invitation to speak to the US Congress on 3 March, two weeks before the Israeli election and without any consultation with the White House, is aimed at advancing both Netanyahu's re-election and the proposed new set of sanctions against Iran in the US Congress. For many months, pro-Israeli legislators and lobbyists have been threatening to re-impose existing sanctions on Iran and add new ones while negotiations are still going on.

Regardless of the argument that the sanctions legislation is meant to strengthen the US negotiating hand, the real purpose of the proponents of sanctions has always been to ensure that no nuclear agreement can be reached. Those proponents take their cues from Netanyahu, and that has been Netanyahu's openly proclaimed aim ever since the negotiations with the Rouhani government began.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Lucky Red
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I'm all for letting the Nutayahoo speak in front of his servile Congresswhores so long as he brings back the "Iran bomb" visual aid he unveiled at the UN. That is the least such a servile nation deserves from its unquestionable foreign massa.