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IPFS News Link • Books

BFP Exclusive- Without Truth, Life is Worthless: On Sibel Edmonds' The Lone Gladio

• Kovacevic

Sibel Edmonds' first novel is more than a spy story or a geopolitical thriller. It is a work of fiction that makes us confront the dark structures of our contemporary existence. It makes us ask perennial philosophical questions about the meaning of justice and truth and the utility of individual and collective rebellion. It makes us come face to face with the reality of the world we live in, the reality which Edmonds describes as more monstrous than our worst nightmares because there appears to be no escape except death.

Weaving together the traumatic life stories of the FBI analyst Elsie Simon and the high-level CIA operative Gregory McPhearson, Edmonds depicts the world run by the shadow networks of the US-NATO Deep State. The individuals at the top of this infernal hierarchy, built on the interlinking of the war, energy, and financial industries are described as seeing themselves as visionaries and believing themselves to be gods. The lives of ordinary people mean nothing to them. They will use any and all means and methods at their disposal, no matter how brutal, to affirm and strengthen their grip on world domination. All aspects of global criminality operate under their supervision: narcotics trademoney laundering, terrorism, dictatorships, coup d'états, wars, revolutions, etc. Their absolute control over the US and European political representatives and the mass media allows them to manipulate the public into believing whatever they want them to believe. That day is night, that truth is falsehood, that those who resist and rebel are criminals or madmen or both.