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IPFS News Link • Transportation

Drysdale's unique 2-wheel drive, 2-wheel steering motorcycle up for grabs

• Blain

Australian inventor Ian Drysdale, best known for his radical V8 sportsbikes, built the bizarre Dryvtech 2x2x2 motorcycle back in his university days in 1990. Not only does it feature hydraulic two wheel drive, it also uses hydraulic two wheel steering. With the auction set to start at AU$10,000, the 2x2x2 would be a bizarre and irreplaceable addition to any collection – or a really interesting ride for those brave enough to take it for a spin.

Two wheel drive motorcycles are nothing new. Over the years we've covered a number of different 2WD systems that have met with varying degrees of success. But the theory is the same – the non-driven front wheel of a motorcycle is one of its greatest liabilities. It gives the rider no help in getting over obstacles and up steep hills, and it can lock and tuck in low-traction situations, resulting in crashes.

What we've seen much less of is the motorcycle that not only drives, but steers with both wheels. The process of countersteering a motorcycle bends the brain enough before trying to work out how the heck the physics works when the rear wheel steers as well.
