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IPFS News Link • Entertainment: Movies

What It'd Look Like if Star Wars Spilled Into the Real World

•, By Jakob Schiller

He watched the trilogy on VHS so many times he wore out the tapes. When his parent's promised him a Star Wars toy as a reward, he let the dentist pull two teeth without any complaints. And he'd save his weekly allowance to buy toys to add to his expansive Star Wars collection.

Dagg is now 24 and a successful photographer in Toronto who still loves the films. He credits Star Wars with inspiring him to become an artist, and he's spent two years working on a personal project called, appropriately, Star Wars. He uses Photoshop to seamlessly blend characters and spaceships from the films into every day scenes. The images invite viewers into the world of his childhood, when he imagined seeing a galaxy far, far away in everything around him.

"If it was a blizzard outside I always though of Hoth," he says. "If I saw a jogger I would imagine them with Yoda on their back like Luke Skywalker. That was my childhood."

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