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"Opposite of America" is full of lies


The style of the meme is to take individuals, have them explain how their country is able to accomplish some national goal, then state that it's the "opposite of what America does."

None of the quotes are real, and indeed the Facebook page that creates them acknowledged this: "the Opposite of America memes were created by US Uncut and have reached 30 million people. The reason you know the quotes are fake is because the series is so popular—it's not too different than the Onion. We aren't trying to fool anyone and we don't use fake quotes on anything else."

As you'll see below, the memes really do have about the same amount of factual content as The Onion.

This is what I like to call "chicken and egg" economics. What came first, the record profits or the well paid workers? It isn't much of a hard riddle to solve – how do you pay workers well unless you're first profitable?

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