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IPFS News Link • NeoCons

Neocon Mythmongering About WW1


The feature article was supposedly by our Republican congressman, who represents Pennsylvania's 16th District. Although I don't want to speak ill of him, I can't think of anything positive to say about Congressman Joe Pitts, other than the fact that he mails me a nice picture of his family, around Election Day. Like our US Senator Pat Toomey, Pitts is a paradigmatic Republican, who marches in lockstep with his party, particularly in foreign affairs. This now means first and always parroting the Murdoch media and sounding like the Weekly Standard and Victor Davis Hanson in speaking about twentieth century history.

In Pitts's imagination "the First World War has lessons we can learn one-hundred years later." Back before the War began, "there were many educated persons who believed that the major European powers had moved past the notion of using armies to settle conflicts" and "trade ties between all the major powers had blossomed." But then suddenly a Teutonic bee appeared in the ointment: "While business leaders and the general public may have been unprepared for war, the leaders of Germany had been preparing for years.