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IPFS News Link • Justice and Judges

Kentucky: Lawsuit Restored Against Cop Caught Lying About Traffic Stop

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Video catches Kentucky State Trooper harassing motorist. US Court of Appeals rules cop can be sued for false arrest.

Videotape proved essential for Freddie Gregory, a motorist falsely accused of traffic violations by a high-ranking Kentucky State Police trooper. The US Court of Appeals on Friday allowed Gregory to pursue false arrest charges against Lieutenant Phillip Burnett.

Since February 2009, Lieutenant Burnett had stopped Gregory on three occasions under what the motorist considered to be bogus circumstances. The 53-year-old decided to install a video camera to document the harassment. The device was ready on April 4, 2009, when Gregory decided to take his granddaughter to lunch in his pickup truck. As he was leaving his driveway, Gregory spotted Lieutenant Burnett about twenty yards away.