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MORGAN STANLEY: Tesla Model X Will Prove Tesla Is No 'One Hit Wonder'


He isn't holding back, writing:

We'd be disappointed if the Model X did not sweep every major Car of the Year award on offer by the automotive media. Taking nothing away from the Model S as an exciting, historically important vehicle, Tesla has learned many valuable lessons since the development of its first entirely in-house designed and engineered product. Tesla has far greater financial and technical resources at its disposal to apply to the Model X line that did not exist for the Model S.

Jonas expects the Model X to "overtake Tesla's flagship S in volume by 2018," as the carmaker ramps up production on the SUV.

After Tesla announced second-quarter earnings, CEO Elon Musk admitted that early production versions of the Model S sedan had some problems, but added that the company has addressed nearly all of them in its question to deliver the "Platonic ideal" of a service-free automobile.
