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IPFS News Link • Israel

Israel's Iron Dome is more like an iron sieve

•, David Axe

The radar-guided Iron Dome missile, meant to intercept and smash incoming rockets in the seconds before they strike their targets, works just a small fraction of the time, according to a detailed analysis carried out by scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The study was funded by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and Ploughshares Fund.

Ted Postol, a physicist at the university and an expert in missiles and missile defenses, has found evidence that only about 5 percent of Iron Dome engagements result in the targeted rocket being destroyed or even sufficiently damaged to disable its explosive warhead. In the other 95 percent of cases, the interceptor either misses entirely or just lightly damages the enemy munition, allowing the rocket's intact warhead to continue arcing toward the ground.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Powell Gammill
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I am not surprised by this. My father was crowing about how high the intercept ratio was (as reported on FOX News).

I remained skeptical remembering the outright lies our own government released regarding their Patriot missile system. If there is one thing to remember it is the government's--any government's--capacity to lie to your face to cover up their and their crony contractor's gross incompetence in justification of dollars spent for services rendered.