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Hershey Sues Colorado Edible Pot Company


The trademark infringement lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court in Denver this week against TinctureBelle LLC and TinctureBelle Marijuanka LLC.

It alleges TinctureBelle's Ganja Joy, Hasheath, Hashees and Dabby Patty mimic Hershey's Almond Joy, Heath, Reese's peanut butter cups and York peppermint patty candies, respectively.

TinctureBelle did not immediately return messages seeking comment. The Denver Business Journal first reported about the lawsuit filed Tuesday.

The company's website says its products, which include lotions and balms, are "diabetic safe and delicious" and helpful with a variety of issues, including pain, headaches and insomnia.

The edibles are sold in Colorado's legal pot shops and medical marijuana dispensaries.

Pennsylvania-based Hershey says TinctureBelle products are packaged in a way that will confuse consumers, including children. Hershey's suit says TinctureBelle "creates a genuine safety risk with regard to consumers" who may inadvertently eat them thinking they are ordinary chocolate candy." title="">

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
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It is amazing that Hershey's wants to sue a company because it wants to protect consumers.

First, most candy and chocolate products contain massive amounts of sugar, essentially a drug that is way more dangerous than almost any other.

Second, Hershey's is trying to get Government to protect people. But what is there to protect people from the protection that Government forces on everybody?

Third, most Government protection involves dumbing the people down, which doesn't really strengthen anyone, but rather, makes them more dependent on the whims of those who supposedly are doing the protecting.

What we need is more people waking up to the fact that the whole system is out there to steal as much from everyone as it can. One of the ways to steal more is to remain hidden through deception and trickery.

What Hershey's is doing is - in other words - is attempting to force onto the public the idea that bad is good for you, and that good is the thing that is bad. It's about time that the people wake up to the deceptions of the wealthy being used to rob them of everything from simple wealth to their very life itself.

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