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IPFS News Link • Inventions

The eCool cranks out earth-cooled beer one can at a time

•, By Dave Parrack
Until you have to rise from your seat to fetch a cold drink from the fridge. The eCool eliminates that inconvenience, providing a cool repository for your favorite tipple.

The eCool uses the centuries-old method of storing food and drink underground to stop it spoiling, but brings the concept right up to date. This is an earth cooler, which uses nothing but the natural lower temperature of the ground to cool your cans of drink.

The eCool stands 113 cm (44 in) tall and weighs 12 kg (26 lb). Most of its body lives permanently underground, where it stores up to 24 standard-size cans (330 ml in Europe, 12 oz in the US).

Installing the eCool is as easy as digging a deep hole, lowering the cooler into it, and then packing soil around its sides. A garden drill would seem the most obvious tool to use, but a shovel will suffice. Once installed, the eCool will remain in situ all year round.