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Google Glass Eye Doctor Backtracks After Speaking Out About Eye Pain

• BetaBeat

Since we reported statements from Google’s consulting optometrist about the eye pains associated with using Google Glass, things have been, well, rocky. Over the past week, we’ve had a series of contentious discussions with Google — it’s almost started to feel like a bad breakup.

As soon as our story went up, Google called us with their complaints — problems with tenor, tone and attitude. They’ve also offhandedly claimed that we took the doctor’s quotes “out of context,” but when we’ve asked for exact examples of what they meant, we heard nothing back. While we understand their feelings from a PR perspective, Google hasn’t been able to contest a single fact reported in our story.

After we published our piece, other publications ran with it. Some of them got the facts wrong, calling the pain associated with glass as a “headache” — a misconception that largely inspired our piece to begin with. The Google Glass pain is more of an ache in the muscles around the eye from holding your gaze in an uncommon place. We have occasionally attempted to clean up after that mess, but there’s admittedly only so much we can do when it comes to how other journalists treat the material.
