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IPFS News Link • Military

U.S. Intervention in Nigeria?

•, by Jacob G. Hornberger

As long as this apparatus remains in existence, U.S. officials are inevitably going to use it to embroil the United States into foreign crises.

Lets begin by pointing out our nations founding principles.

The Founding Fathers disdained the idea of standing armies. They believed that standing armies were antithetical to the principles of a free society. They held that standing armies are the biggest threat to the freedom and well-being of a citizenry. They knew that throughout history, the way that the only way for tyrannical regimes to enforce their tyranny was through military might be inflicted on the citizenry.

For a modern-day example, look at Egypt, whose national-security state apparatus is being used with brutal efficiency to maintain its tyrannical hold on power over the Egyptian people. What is happening in Egypt is precisely why our American ancestors opposed a standing army for the United States. It would not have surprised the Founding Fathers one iota that Americas standing army today is fully supportive of its Egyptian counterpart.