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IPFS News Link • Drones

Obama Federal Appeals Court Nominee Made Case In Favor of Killing Americans With Drone Strikes


Obama obviously feels that he can murder anyone he pleases with his cowardly drone strikes, no matter if they are Americans or not.

We feel that Obama has probably broken the law by killing Americans, and thousands of innocent civilians with drone strikes in foreign countries.

The ACLU wrote today to the full Senate membership urging senators to read key memos on the drone targeted killing program before voting on the nomination of David Barron to the First Circuit Court of Appeals. You can read the full letter here.

Mr. Barron is the reported author of at least two memos from the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel authorizing the killing of an American citizen by an armed drone away from any battlefield. In order to uphold its constitutional obligations, the Senate must demand access to these and other legal memos on the killing program before moving forward with any vote on his nomination.

