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IPFS News Link • Inventions

Samsung patent shows off Glass-like wearable with fold-away display

•, Colin Druce-McFadden
 Take for instance this new patent filing from Samsung.
What's depicted in the patent's images is a sort of in-ear version of Google Glass with a fold-away AR display. It's almost as if Samsung is imagining that its AR headset will only be used to augment your reality from time to time. When it's folded away, you can easily imagine the headset as a simple Bluetooth earpiece. (Dorky as those are today.)
It's unclear if this is a first glimpse at the Galaxy Glass AR headset Samsung has mentioned in passing from time to time, or if it's a new headset altogether. Either way, it seems like it's a bit bulky for a simple Bluetooth earpiece and a bit scrawny for what we've become accustomed to seeing in an AR headset. We'll just have to wait and see if this design bears much resemblance to whatever AR headset Samsung eventually comes out with. As for now, the wearable computing "revolution" on your face belongs to Google.