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IPFS News Link • Media: Internet

Podcasting Has Been Patented

•, by Treubig
 The creator of the World Wide Web could sue every person who created a website or has used the internet. Well, someone is suing "Adam Carolla's 'ACE Broadcasting,' HowStuffWorks and Togi Entertainment" for creating a "System for disseminating media content representing episodes in a serialized sequence".

If the courts rule in favor of "Personal Audio LLC", who is claiming they own "podcasting", this will set a horrible precedent and threatens everyone who allows others to download audio in "episodes".

"This patent was applied for on March 4, 2009 and granted on February 7, 2012....this is actually a "child" patent of an earlier application, so they can argue a priority date from back in 1996. In other words, this is really a submarine patent (which were supposed to have been outlawed). "