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You Can’t Eat Gold And Silver

In the event that a major crisis or emergency strikes the United States, you are not going to be able to eat your gold and silver.  If we get into a situation where supermarkets get cleaned out and food supplies get very tight, you are going to wish that you had stored some things away for your family.  Now don’t get me wrong – I actually love gold and silver.  I believe that they are both going to multiply in price during the years ahead.  I particularly love silver for a couple of reasons.  Unlike gold, silver is used in thousands upon thousands of different consumer products, so the physical supply is constantly diminishing.  And historically, silver comes out of the ground at about a 10 to 1 ratio compared to gold, but right now the price of gold is about 65 times the price of silver.  At some point there is going to be a massive adjustment there.  But if you just rely on accumulating gold and silver and you never store up any food, you could end up deeply regretting that choice so