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IPFS News Link • Inventions

This Robotic Lawnmower Fuels Itself With The Grass It Cuts!

 Bemoaning the need to cut the grass is one of those clichés of summer, and one which is often followed by a variety of imaginative excuses for not mowing the lawn that day. Hearing “It’s time to mow the lawn” can also cause your teenagers to rapidly disappear from sight, muttering something about needing to do homework, but if this robotic lawnmower makes it to market, those excuses may be a thing of the past.

Imagine a lawnmower that can not only fuel itself with the grass it cuts, but that can also harvest biomass in the form of grass pellets for powering other applications, and can mow the lawn autonomously, without the need to guide it across the yard. Now imagine the happy look on your teen’s face when you announce that their reign as chief lawnmower is over. Sounds like a win/win situation, right?

The good news is that this robotic lawnmower is already in the works, and has garnered a lot interest from consumers, but the bad news is that it is probably more suited to large-scale applications, at least as far as potential investors in the product are concerned.

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