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IPFS News Link • Politics

Rise of the Libertarians, 10 reasons why Slate, Salon and the progressive media are afraid

Libertarianism is a logical evolution from statism. Statism is a 20th Century ideology based in the idea that systems were closed and if the right smart people ran society an egalitarian Utopia would bloom. If we could create an atom bomb with concerted government directed efforts why could we not also engineer the society (many) people wanted? In the dark days of a rising Soviet Union and expanding a New Deal, very few thought of the economy as a living breathing thing. Something which was alive and composed of billions and billions of exchanges and human decisions. Society was instead a machine, a factory. From this factory we could create the dream which had so long eluded humanity. But this kind of thinking, contrary to what people thought at the time, was not a revolution against oppressive feudalism and the industrial revolution. Statism was and is an extension of it. Government as a massive corporation, nominally “owned by the workers of the world” but always controlled by a

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Comment by PureTrust
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It is way easier than this. Here's how it works from scratch.

1. There is no Government, and everyone gets along, respecting everyone else.

2. The few thieves and crooks that there are get killed by honest property owners while trying to steal.

3. The thieves get together to do their dastardly deeds in safety of numbers - a Government of thieves.

4. Honest people form a Government of honest people to oppose the Government of thieves.

5. The honest Government wins, and the people go back to their lives without dismantling the Government.

6. Shrewd thieves wiggle their way into the honest Government and slowly corrupt it without the knowledge of the honest people who are out working on their farms, etc.

7. The honest people wonder why they are no better off with the Government than they were when the thieves were still around - REVOLUTION!