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IPFS News Link • Techno Gadgets

First pictures of Fuel3D scanner released

•, By Stuart Robarts
 The scanner raised over four times its targeted amount in a Kickstarter campaign last year, and was aimed at being the first handheld point-and-shoot color 3D scanner available for under US$1,000 – although that has crept up a touch, to $1,500.
The device was created by a team of hardware and software engineers, and scientists from Oxford University. The team claims that it is the first 3D scanner to combine pre-calibrated stereo cameras with photometric imaging, allowing users to capture and process 3D models quickly. Originally developed for the medical imaging sector, the scanner is now being adapted for broader use.
The scanner is aimed at individuals involved in the maker movement and mass personalization, along with game developers, animators and 3D artists, amongst other creative types. Fuel3D says that the scanner is especially adept at capturing faces and body parts, fabrics, organic matter, masonry, food, and artwork such as textured paintings or statues.
