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First Cross-Country Tesla Trip Takes Less Than a Week, Costs $0

 That assumes you really, really, want to go through South Dakota. But that’s exactly what a father-daughter team did Saturday.

John Glenney, a 62-year-old Model S owner, and his 26-year-old daughter Jill left New York earlier this month with the hope that all of the Supercharger stations they’d need to complete the trip would be up and running for their trip. They were, and the duo landed in Los Angeles this weekend.

Tesla currently has 71 Supercharger stations installed throughout the country, and while the most direct route from New York to Los Angeles would be a little over 40 hours, based on the placement of Superchargers, it would take nearly 60 hours to make it from coast to coast, not including the time it takes to charge at each station.

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