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IPFS News Link • Prepping

Tactical Solutions for Preppers

•, by The Grunt
The food, water, medical, and sanitation needs are boring, but important enough that without them-anything else doesn't really matter.  As readers of this blog I sincerely hope you've utilized the vast wealth of knowledge available here to develop your own systems of storage, rotation, and skills development.  So with all of that as a foundation, I pose a question.  With your family, your plans, and your supplies all depending on you for security-what do you next when whatever calamity strikes?

So many preppers, myself included, get caught up in the gear reviews.  Oh, its so easy to be swept away by the allure of product reviews or the exhilaration of arguing the merits of your favorite “survival” rifles and why all the rest should be used for decorative paperweights.  The bug out bags have become especially mainstream these days.  Its no longer the tin foil hat wearing crowd with three day bags and remote properties fully stocked and ready to go.  The bags, the gear, along with our food and water are easy to research and acquire.  What's proving difficult for many people is finding actual tactical common sense for defending our preps.