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IPFS News Link • Iran

A Blank Check for War on Iran


Among them will be the “blank check” Kaiser Wilhelm II gave to Vienna after the assassination by a Serb terrorist of the Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand.

If you decide to punish the Serbs, said the Kaiser, we are with you.

After dithering for weeks, Austria shelled Belgrade. Within a week, Germany and Austria were at war with Russia, France and Great Britain.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

It's only a blank check because people trust in the dollar. After all, it's written right on the money itself, "In God We Trust." The god of money isn't the God of Heaven. It's the god of money!

The moment people realize that money is worthless, and that there is a better way, like Bitcoin, blank checks will be worthless. It's the people who are keeping the money worth something, simply by using it.

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