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IPFS News Link • China

China's state propaganda now running pro-GMO propaganda campaign to brainwash the population

Because the urban population has spiked rapidly in the past few decades in China, the demand for meat calls for an influx of "supply" to meet that demand. Of course, scientists who are paid off by Big Pharma and Biotech say the same thing over and over again to brainwash the masses, and that is that only genetically modified food can fill that void, but that's simply not true. For starters, there is nothing that GMOs offer to the food industry that could substantiate claims of being able to produce more, and without further damaging the environment in the process. Genetically modified food has been proven to cause horrific golf-ball-sized cancer tumors in lab rats and breeds more bacteria, E. coli and even superbugs in the CAFOs (confined animal feeding operations) across the globe.