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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

Pentagon adjusts plans for more intense attacks on Syria

• Los Angeles Times
The Pentagon is preparing for a longer bombardment of Syria than it originally had planned, with a heavy barrage of missile strikes followed soon after by more attacks on targets that the opening salvos missed or failed to destroy, officials said.

The planning for intense attacks over a three-day period reflects the growing belief in the White House and the Pentagon that the United States needs more firepower to inflict even minimal damage on Syrian President Bashar Assad's forces, which have been widely dispersed over the last two weeks, the officials said.


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Are the Missles and Bombs guaranteed  NOT to Kill INNOCENT MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN... Has anyone thought of that ??? Why are we Protecting the Al Qaeda and the  Muslim Brotherhood, Because Obama is a Member of the Brotherhood and has Members of the Brotherhood in his Administration ????????        Why is Obama Not in Prison ?????