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Sony's lens-shaped cameras works with any smartphone

•, Raymond Wong
Sony's DSC-QX10 and DSC-QX100 are two lens-shaped cameras that are designed to work with smartphones, not replace their existing internal cameras. Still confused? You can think of them as wireless lenses with their own image sensors that connect to smartphones (IOS or Android) with the DSC-QX10 considered the "low-end" and the DSC-QX100 the "high-end" model.
Essential Camera Features

As convenient as smartphone cameras are, they're lacking in four key departments: high-quality resolution, low-light sensitivity, optical zoom and optical image stabilization.

The QX10 and QX100 aren't mere wireless accessories. They each have their own individual CMOS image sensor — 1/2.3-inch 18.2-megapixel for the QX10 and a 1.0-inch 20.2-megapixel for the QX100. They both shoot 1080p HD video and they both have an optical zoom of 10x and 3.6x for the QX10 and QX100, respectively.
